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Let Advertising in The Tribune Proclaim your Benefits across North India

After launching in Lahore (now in Pakistan) on February 2, 1881, The Tribune is now a Chandigarh-based broadsheet English-language daily newspaper covering the Union Territory of Chandigarh, Jammu & Kashmir,  Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab. According to the Audit Bureau of Circulation, The Tribune has a combined circulation of 3,24,264 as of Jan-Jun 2014, while the Indian Readership Survey estimates its readership to be approximately seven lakhs. 

The Tribune Display Advertisement | Full Page/Half Page/Quarter Page Advertisement Booking

The Tribune display advertisements and The Tribune Newspaper classified advertisements are carried in a variety of categories - such as Appointment, Tender Notice, Public Notice, Property,  Education, Obituary and Remembrance among the others. While all classified ads must be placed in the Chandigarh edition only, all display ads for a specific area - for instance, Haryana - can be only for that area’s pull-out. There is no discount for multiple location ads.    

The Tribune full-page ads, The Tribune half-page ads, The Tribune quarter-page ads and other display ads can be printed on the required page if the space is available on the required date and in any position if the budget permits.

From anywhere in India, if you wish to promote your goods or services or events through display ads in The Tribune newspaper in North India, one way to do so is to make all the effort yourself spending a lot of time. Or you could instantly contact Myadvtcorner which can help through its media experts, without charging anything. You can thereby not only learn of the latest rates, terms and conditions but, given three days’ notice, be assured of the timely publication of the required ad.

In ancient Rome, a tribune was an official chosen by people to protect their interests. Likewise, you can choose The Tribune, Chandigarh, to safeguard, and thereby promote, your commercial interests in North India while promoting them.