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The Statesman Obituary Display Ad Booking Online

Booking Obituary Display Advertisement in The Statesman Newspaper is simple through online. There are several sub-headings in which obituary display ad can be published in The Statesman Newspaper:

Death Announcement, Antim Ardas, Chautha Uthala, Prayer Meeting, Sad Demise etc.

The English daily newspaper, The Statesman, is published in Kolkata and Siliguri (West Bengal), and Bhubaneshwar (Odisha) in addition to New Delhi which houses its national editorial office. 

From anywhere in India, the easiest and fastest way to place an obituary display ad in The Statesman newspaper is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency which provides such free services as the latest The Statesman obituary display ad rates since these differ in different editions. It not only books The Statesman obituary display advertisements but also The Statesman remembrance display ads as The Statesman obituary front, back and third page ads and The Statesman Obituary full, half and quarter page advertisements.