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The Indian Express Obituary, Remembrance Display Advertisement Booking Online

When someone expires, there is need, despite internal turmoil, for external communications to inform people who knew the deceased, far and near. This is done through an obituary ad which carries the person’s photograph and conveys the necessary information about the funeral and attendant rituals that would ensue – like mass services, prayer meetings, chauthas, commemorations and the like.

This is ideally conveyed through an ad placed in a newspaper like The Indian Express, an English-language daily broadsheet published in nine cities covering Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Jammu, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Nagpur and Pune.

From anywhere in India, the quickest and most streamlined means of reaching these far-flung editions is through a single, instant online facility, Myadvtcorner, of a complete, INS-accredited ad agency, the media wing of which supplies such free services as The Indian Express obituary display ad rates as well as book an obituary display ad in The Indian Express newspaper on The Indian Express obituary front, back and third page ad or any page suitable. That is true for The Indian Express obituary full, half and quarter-page advertisements and also for significant days for placing a remembrance display ad in The Indian Express newspaper.

The Indian Express obituary display advertisements, therefore, can be booked through this online ad service most conveniently.