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The Hindu Display Obituary Advertisement Booking Online

When a loved one is no more, friends, relatives and associates have to be informed of this bereavement as well as details of the funeral arrangements with relevant, date, time and place along with particulars of post-funeral rituals. These are done through obituary ads.
An obituary advertisement in The Hindu newspaper specially reaches southern states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala as well Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and Telangana but also wider to Delhi, Lucknow and Mumbai. Thus, this can be a single medium for conveying the news far and wide.

The Hindu obituary display ads can be published in one or more editions but at varying rates according to that edition’s circulation. However, it should be noted that these are already discounted rates. 

The Hindu full-page obituary advertisement, The Hindu half-page obituary ad, The Hindu quarter-page obituary ad and other display ads in The Hindu newspaper can be taken out on any page other than The Hindu classified ad page without any restrictions on size or colour or page.

The easiest way to place an obituary display advertisement in The Hindu newspaper is through Myadvtcorner. This is the online facility of a fully INS-accredited ad agency that is fully geared to do obituary advertisement booking because its well-equipped media department provides a variety of free services to the advertisers. These media professionals of the agency have been in close touch with all Indian local, regional and national newspapers in any language since its formation in 1990.