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Book ads in DNA newspaper at cost-effective rates


Circulation : 8,00,490

Language :   English

DNA newspaper: DNA (Daily News and Analysis) was the first English broadsheet daily in India to introduce an all-colour page format, targeting a young readership. It is today published from six centres in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.

Inject DNA into your Ad Plan

On July 30, 2005, Mumbai was excited at the launch the English broadsheet newspaper DNA (short for Daily News and Analysis) that soon spread to Pune, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Bengaluru and Indore to reach a young, high-flying audience. Among English dailies, it has an impressive 36.3 per cent of its readers in the 30-49 age-group in Mumbai and 52.2 per cent of them are graduates with 73.5 per cent in the A and B socio-economic level which is the second highest among English newspapers.


According to the Indian Readership Survey, in the fourth quarter of 2012, DNA had reached 15,06,000 readers in only Mumbai with a circulation of 2,60,000. That places DNA among the top 15 English dailies of India. All of which makes it a prime target for advertisers seeking an exclusive, high-end target audience.


DNA newspaper advertisements have the same three formats for advertising which all other newspapers have. The most expensive form of advertisement in DNA newspaper is the Display ad which can be published in any size or colour on whatever page the advertiser wants and also in whichever position suits the budget.

Book newspaper advertisements instantly in DNA through online

Publish Classified text advertisements in DNA online through to advertise at the most cost-effective rates or at the best deal for advertising. Not only can get you the publication's best offers, but also advertise in all its categories such as Matrimonial, Property - for sale and to let, Recruitment, Situations Vacant, Education, Public Notice, Name Change, Lost and Found, Business, Tenders, Medical, Services, Astrology, Motor Vehicle, Obituary, Remembrance. To advertise through, follow the guidelines and do it yourself online.

Less expensive are the classified ads in DNA newspaper which are of two kinds: Display Classified and Text Classified ads which appear only in the classified columns of the newspaper. While Display and Display Classified ads are digital and charged on a square-centimetre basis, Text classified ads are of the roll-on type and charged by the word or line and are therefore the cheapest option.

Why advertising in DNA newspaper provides good value for money

The circulation of DNA speaks of its popularity with its specific readers. That means advertisers get more value for money when they advertise in DNA to those readers.

Cities covered with circulation

DNA offers advertisers the widest choice of its editions in 6 cities: Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Indore.

Book advertisements in DNA through   Book Ad Now! 

To reach rather this exclusive publication from anywhere in India, the best option is to contact the online services of Myadvtcorner which has established its reputation for media work that has the latest rates (and discounts) of all newspapers within reach and, given a couple of days’ notice, can ensure publication of ads on time.