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Name Change Ad
Name Change Ad

The Tribune Name Change Classified Advertisement Booking Online

People change names for many reasons. These include:

Change of name after marriage for women, Change of name of woman after divorce in case of a re-marriage, Change of name in birth certificate and school leaving certificate, Change of name due to spelling mistakes in old name, Change of name of a child in case of an adoption, Change of name due to numerology or astrology,  Change of name in case of change in religion, Change of name in case of change in vocation like films, Change of name in case of personal fancy

To legalise the process, one needs to make out a deed poll affidavit through a notary public. With such a deed poll affidavit a name change ad must be published in two newspapers ? one in English and one in the local language.

The Tribune is an English broadsheet daily newspaper published from Chandigarh, New Delhi, Jalandhar, Dehradun and Bathinda and is among the leading English dailies covering Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and the Union Territory of Chandigarh.

 It carries ads as follows:

  • The Tribune Name Change Classified Text: These are the cheapest ads as they are printed on a simple, run-on-line (ROL) words format and are charged by the word/line.
  • The Tribune Name Change Classified Display: These are costlier ads as they allow enhancements like colour, visuals and logos and are charged by the

 From anywhere in India, the fastest and smoothest means of placing a change of name advertisement in The Tribune, is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency that provides free services like the latest The Tribune name change ad rates, which vary by the edition, provides The Tribune name change ad samples, does The Tribune name change ad booking online while booking The Tribune Name Change Advertisements.

 So, depend on this instant facility at your fingertips while booking change of name advertisements in The Tribune.