Matrimonial Classified Ad Booking Online | Bride / Groom Wanted Newspaper Classified Ads
When there is a need to find suitable life partners for marriageable young men and women, the best way to maximise one?s choice is to place a ''bride wanted' or ''groom wanted'' matrimonial classified ads in the columns of the most appropriate daily broadsheet newspaper. Almost all general category newspapers carry such ads in exclusive Sunday supplements so that readers have ample time to read, pick and react. Thus, they provide much wider choices than any other way ? word-of-mouth, electronic media or through families and friends.
The big reason for people advertising in the matrimonial columns of newspaper is that they are assured of genuine responses from prospective families of brides and grooms. Another reason is that it is easier to identify the respondents. In fact, there are people who otherwise have no need for this column but read it on Sundays and sometimes find possible candidates for people they know.
Many times, even the photographs of prospective brides and grooms, as well as their educational and job details aside from religious practices and preferences are also given so that matches can be made. Some ads also carry the horoscopes of the eligible people to help the process by matching the astrological compatibility also.
The least expensive form of matrimonial text classified advertisements are simply charged on the basis of the number of lines, words or characters used in the composition of the advertisement (depending on each newspaper?s policy). Text ads are straight forward, run-on line (ROL) advertisements which are the simplest way of matrimonial advertising. These can be enhanced at a slight additional expense with the use of bold type, background colour, tick mark or outline for higher visibility.
From all over India, the easiest and smoothest way to place a classified matrimonial ad in a newspaper is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency which offers free services like matrimonial classified ad rates or providing matrimonial classified ad samples while doing newspaper matrimonial classified advertisement booking online.