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Name Change Ad
Name Change Ad

Bartaman Name Change Classified Ad Booking Online

Are you looking to Change Your Name in Passport / Birth Certificate / School Certificate / College Certificate / Marriage Certificate or any other legal documents? Don’t worry. In this case, you will have to declare your original name in Affidavit and two newspapers, one is local or regional and other is national. You can give Name Change Advertisement in Bartaman or any other newspaper. Bartaman is Bengali Daily Post Newspaper published from Kolkata.


Bartaman Name Change Text Classified Ads are simple text roll-on-line (ROL) ads, which are charged by the word or line and are the cheapest.


From anywhere in India, the fastest and smoothest way to place change of name classified advertisements in Bartaman is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency. It offers free services like Bartaman name change classified ad rates, provides Bartaman name change classified ad samples, does Bartaman name change classified ad booking online and books Bartaman name change classified ads.