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Amar Ujala Obituary Display Advertisement Booking Online

When someone dies, there is so much to be done but an important item is informing people far and near about the sad occasion, when and where the funeral and other rituals – like chauthas, mass services, prayer meetings, commemorations and so on – will be held and who are the grieving family and friends.  

For those with a Hindi background, an Amar Ujala obituary display advertisement will be an ideal solution. One reason is because Amar Ujala is a Hindi-language broadsheet daily newspaper which covers 167 districts of India with 19 editions in seven states and one union territory.  The 2013 Indian Readership Survey reported that it had the 12th-largest daily readership amongst newspapers in India with over 5.5 million readers. As of Jul-Dec 2015, its daily circulation stood at 2,935,111 according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations. 

However, with 19 editions having different rates according to their individual circulations, it could be very complicated and time-consuming to deal with the newspaper directly. At a time when there are several other matters to be attended to in the house of the deceased, it is much quicker and easier to place an obituary display ad in Amar Ujala Newspaper through just Myadvtcorner, the online facility of a total-service, totally INS-accredited advertising agency. Its media professionals are geared to offer all kinds of free services.

These services in include not only providing Amar Ujala obituary display ad rates but also placing obituary and remembrance display ads in Amar Ujala besides Amar Ujala obituary back or front page obituary advertisements in addition to booking Amar Ujala full-, half- and quarter-page obituary ads

So, from anywhere in India, you can depend on this online facility in times of grief to get your message across to any, some or all of the 19 editions of Amar Ujala in any size or any page.