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Book Times of India Obituary / Death Notice Display Ads

Book an obituary display advertisement in The Times of India newspaper any edition on death of the loved one. we provide the best obituary full page, half page and quarter pages to reach out sad messages to your friends, relatives and family.

The Times of India offers advertisers the widest choice of its editions in17 cities: Mumbai (circulation 7,78,433), Delhi (10,56,075), Chennai (2,02,321), Kolkata (2,68,890), Bengaluru (4,30,264), Hyderabad (2,26,332), Ahmedabad (2,00,549), Jaipur (82,702), Mysore (22,030), Patna (39,029), Pune (2,61,037), Lucknow (1,09,180), Nagpur (50,950), Panaji (38,832), Mangalore (14,889), Bhubaneswar (63,050), Chandigarh (96,409).

TOI Obituary display advertising can be of any size -- right from jackets and full front pages to inside full page, half page, quarter page, across multiple columns, custom sizes and smaller sizes depending on the budget. There are no restrictions on size or colour. 

From all over India, the speediest and smoothest way to place death announcement display ads for Times of India is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-member advertising agency. It offers such free services as The Times of India obituary display ad rates, provides Times of India obituary display ad samples does TOI obituary display ad booking online and books Times of India obituary display advertisements.

Three Steps to book Obituary Display Ads Online in Times of India through Myadvtcorner:

1) Choose the newspaper and ad type (display-> full page, half page and quarter page) and location.

2) Choose the package, compose the advertisement and check the preview alongside.

3) Choose the publication date and make the payment online to complete the ad booking. The options for making payment include credit cards, debit cards, net banking. Online payments options at Myadvtcorner are secure because it is encrypted with SSL. Offline payments can be made through cash, cheque deposit or NEFT transfer.

A professional customer support team is available for you at Myadvtcorner to ensure you do not face any problems while booking obituary display ad or tracking in The Times of India newspaper. You can call us, email us or contact us via Live Chat.