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Expand Education by Advertising in The Hindu Education Plus

As education grows, the country develops. You also develop especially if you are into education offering tuition classes, training facilities, institutes, schools, even colleges and institutions of higher education, you can best advance your through The Hindu Education Plus ads. These appear every Monday in a free pull-out supplement in The Hindu and carry education advertisements

Headquartered at Chennai, The Hindu  was launched in 1878 and has a daily circulation of 1,261,658 (as of November 2015 as per the Audit Bureau of Circulations) with 17 editions across the country although its biggest base is in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The Hindu is the third most widely read English newspaper in India in 2014 according to the Indian Readership Survey. Virtually every educational institution -- schools, colleges, universities, institutions of higher learning, technical private and public educational institutions and the like -- use The Hindu Education Plus to announce their facilities, courses, admissions and related notifications to maximise their visibility.   

The Hindu Education Plus Display Advertisement | Full Page/Half Page/Quarter Page

The Hindu classified advertisement can be carried also as one of The Hindu Education Plus supplement ads, unlike supplements of other newspapers. This makes them more cost-effective. The Hindu Education Plus display advertisement rates are more expensive but place no restrictions in terms of size or page for publication.

It must be remembered that, because The Hindu Education Plus Display Advertisements are published every Monday, final material must be with the publication on the preceding Thursday.   

The Hindu Education Plus ad rates vary according to the circulation of the edition. Still, discounts are given on combined rates when the same ads of the same size are published in more than edition (for instance, Chennai + Bengaluru).

Details are available directly from the publication or, much more conveniently, through the online advertising services of Myadvtcorner, well recognised for its media strengths. Free of charge, it will provide all relevant information about the rates. With three days’ notice this facility can also ensure publication of the ad in the required edition on the required date.

So, get wise to the educational opportunities The Hindu Education Plus can open up for you to enlighten others of what you offer.