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Book ads in Dinamalar newspaper at cost-effective rates


Circulation : 8,93,360

Language :   Tamil

Dinamalar newspaper: India's leading largest circulated Tamil daily is Dinamalar which is circulated from 10 locations.

Why you should consider Dinamalar for your advertising?

Dinamalar – meaning "daily malar" – is a Tamil newspaper founded in 1951 in old Madras before moving to Tirunelveli in 1956. Its founder T. V. Ramasubbaiyer later opened editorial units in Tiruchirapalli in 1966 and Madras in 1979. 

Cities covered with circulation

Dinamalar offers advertisers the choice of its editions in 10 cities: Madurai - 1,52,867, Chennai - 1,30,618, Coimbatore - 1,19,256, Tiruchirappalli - 84,788, Pondicherry - 36,444, Tirunelveli - 32742, Vellore - 28,243, Salem - 23,444, Pondicherry - 22,242, Erode - 16,846, Nagercoil - 10,974.

All of these carry advertisements at different rates, sometimes clubbed with some of their editions to suit the advertiser.

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Dinamalar newspaper advertisements come in similar categories as in English mainline newspapers – Matrimonial, Property, Business, Situations Vacant, Lost and Found, Change of Name, Retail, Situations Vacant, Finance, Public Notice, Automobiles, Tenders, Obituary and Remembrance among others – and the rates vary accordingly.


Why advertising in Dinamalar newspaper provides good value for money?

The circulation of Dinamalar speaks of its popularity with its specific readers. That means advertisers get more value for money when they advertise in Dinamalar to those readers.

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Dinamalar classified ads: 

Classified Text advertisements are the cheapest and printed on Dinamalar’s classified ad pages in a run-on words format. At extra cost these can have enhancements like ticks, bold letters and colour screen for greater noticeability.


Classified Display advertisements are also published on Dinamalar’s classified ad pages but are more expensive. This is because they are executed in black and white or colour text formats with enhanced features of design and images. Their text can be composed directly online or one can upload ads in PDF/JPEG/EPS formats.


Advertisements for the above classified columns can be composed in either Tamil or English. If, however, translation service is required, the advertiser must specify this when finalising the advertisement.


Supplements: Dinamalar has three supplements:


• Siruvarmalar (every Friday) is aimed at children and features scientific facts and stories depicted pictorially. It also carries short stories and games that earn random winners prizes. Since February 4, 2011, it has become a black and white comics magazine containing serialized stories.



• Varamalar (every Sunday) basically is a weekly round-up of news and entertainment covering the popular social trends besides featuring short stories. On Sundays also the main daily is split in two with each section resembling a regular daily by featuring unique front pages and complete articles.



• Computer Malar: The only Tamil weekly dedicated to technology news, this supplement basically provides the latest detailed information on technologies in Tamil. While all these carry advertisements, their rates are lower than the main paper and different from each other.



To book newspaper ads, and do it most conveniently from one’s own home or office computer, the best option is to contact the instant online facility Myadvtcorner which  has a complete team of media experts constantly updated with the latest in newspaper rates along with periodic rebates which are always passed on to the advertiser. It can also ensure timely publication of the advertisement at the correct place, given two days’ notice.