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Ajit Punjabi Obituary / Remembrance Display Advertisement Booking Online

On the death of someone usually a notification is issued as a death notification or sad demise notice informing friends and relatives far and near conveying the news. It also conveys the funeral details and also of ceremonies followed like Chautha, Marka, Bhog and Month’s Mind among others depending on the family’s culture. Others can pay their tributes with condolence ads while later, on significant dates in the deceased person’s life, like the birth and death anniversary, the family can place remembrance ads to share the occasion with others through the newspapers.
Ajit Punjabi is a Punjabi broadsheet daily newspaper published in Jalandhar which claimed a circulation of more than 3 lakh in 2007-08.
It carries ads in the following formats:

•    Ajit Punjabi Obituary Classified Text: These are simple run-on-line (ROL) text ads that are charged by the word/line. 

•    Ajit Punjabi Obituary Classified Display: These ads allow enhancements though colours, visuals and logos and are charged by the sq. cm.

•    Ajit Punjabi Obituary Display: These ads have no restrictions about colour, size or page and are also charged by the sq. cm.

From anywhere in India, the fastest and smoothest way to place an obituary display ad for Ajit Punjabi newspaper is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency which offers free services like Ajit Punjabi obituary display ad rates, which vary according to the edition, provides Ajit Punjabi death notice display advertisement samples, does Ajit Punjabi obituary display ad booking online and books remembrance display ads for Ajit Punjabi as well as  Ajit Punjabi obituary full, half and quarter page advertisements.

So, depend on this instant online facility at your fingertips when booking Ajit Punjabi obituary display advertisements.